Activity budgets of a species of conservation concern in Ireland, the light-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota), in different habitats.

Maria Perez Tadeo

Activity budgets of the light-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) were evaluated in different locations and associated habitats along the coast of inner Galway Bay (SPA) during their stay in their wintering grounds in Ireland. Potential significant differences in hourly energy expenditure (HEE) as well as in flying and vigilant behaviours connected to habitat shift, from traditional natural wetlands to managed grasslands were assessed. The results obtained did not show any significant differences in brent geese hourly energy expenditure (HEE) linked to the use of different general areas or specific habitats. Brent geese only showed significant differences between areas and habitats when vigilant behaviour was evaluated. A GLM approach was also used in order to explore the relative importance of a range of potential explanatory variables on HEE, flying and vigilant activities. The results suggest that brent geese would not be affected by the habitat shift, revealing a great adaptability to artificial managed grasslands.